Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Orange Chicken with Sage and Wheat Berries

This recipe feels especially American to me. It ticks most of the nutritional boxes, makes for decent leftovers, and requires essentially no skill in the kitchen. All this and it also tastes good. Again, a bit of a seasonal flavor, and one that may be more appropriate to the winter months.

Oranges do bring the holidays to mind, but there is also something springy about citrus. It brightens whatever it touches, and adds sweetness without cloying. The orange is one of those great travelers, at home in savory dishes as much as in desserts. I also love the wheat berries here, another ingredient I have eaten a lot but seldom cook with. This recipe makes more wheat berries than necessary, so I recommend retaining some [about half] as a side.

3 chicken breasts
6-8 oz orange juice
3 tbsp olive oil
1 large orange
2 tbsp currants [or dried cranberries]
3 tsp salt
3 tsp pepper
1 handful fresh sage leaves
1 cup wheat berries
2-3 cups water

In a casserole dish, lay the chicken breasts side by side. Season well with salt and pepper, then pour the orange juice and olive oil over them. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 1-4 hours, turning over once or twice to re-coat with the orange and oil mixture.

As the chicken marinates, cook the wheat berries. The method is the same as rice, though they do not need to fully absorb the water, so they are less fussy. In a medium saucepan, bring the wheat berries and water to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer, covered, for 30-40 minutes. Check the berries then, but be aware they will probably take longer. I like to leave them a little chewy, and removed mine from the heat at 55 minutes. Cook longer for softer grains, simple stuff. Drain when they are done.

Heat the oven to 375ºF. Prep the chicken for roasting: cut the orange into thin slices, about 1/8 inch, and lay them over and around the chicken. Sprinkle the currants over the top, then about half the cooked wheat berries. Cover the dish with tin foil and roast for a 40 minutes. Remove the foil, baste the chicken [or spoon the juices over the meat], lay the sage leaves over each breast and continue roasting for 1 hour. Cooking times will vary depending on the thickness and size of your chicken. The meat I was using was quite thick, so rather than trusting the times I have noted, I do recommend checking the meat at least once every ten minutes after the initial 40 minutes.

The chicken should reach an internal temperature of at least 160ºF, but always check there are no pink bits before calling it done. Serve alongside green salad or extra wheat berries as a side. Serves 3-4 depending on hunger.

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