Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Tofu Salad

Continuing from last week's theme, I wanted to include this simple tofu recipe, which is a nostalgic one for me. Equally delicious as a green salad topper, in a wrap, the centerpiece of a traditional sandwich, or just on its own, tofu salad used to be a staple for my family.

Sadly, it made fewer and fewer appearances on the household menu, and by the time I reached adolescence, it was a memory. I had to rediscover this multipurpose superhero as an adult, and it has become one of those things that is both oh-so-easy to whip up, and brings me joy whenever I see it in the fridge. The daikon is a new addition I brought in myself, but this is otherwise very similar to the tofu salad I grew up with. I know it will continue to evolve, and I will be sure to update on any future changes.

My tofu salad has a base of four ingredients. Tofu, carrots, onions, and daikon. In this recipe I expand on that a little with some wet ingredients that help bind the salad together for a texture similar to egg or tuna salad [but much tastier, I think]. This vegan salad will last at least few days in the fridge, but it goes so quickly when I make it I have never determined exactly how long it takes to go bad.


16 oz firm tofu
½ medium onion
1 medium carrot
2-3 inch piece of daikon [~ cup when grated]
3 scallions
3 tbsp sesame tahini
2 tsp soy sauce
2 tsp mirin
1 tsp sesame oil

In a medium mixing bowl, crumble the tofu. Grate the carrot and daikon, dice the onion and mix with the tofu. Whisk the tahini, soy sauce, mirin and oil until combined. Stir the liquid mixture into the salad until everything is well coated and squishy. Serve however you like! I recommend spooning a dollop on top of salad greens and sprinkling sliced scallions on top. 

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